
Potions of Azerland

Created by Warped Reality Games

Forage for resources, brew potions to fulfill visitor requests, or drink for special powers!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

about 1 year ago – Sat, Sep 02, 2023 at 10:55:52 AM

Attention Azerlandians! 

We have made it to our first stretch goal!! Now all Kickstarter copies of the game will come with linen finished visitor cards :D Along with this we want to say we have heard you, and know now that some of our stretch goals may have been a bit... ambitious. SO we are updating all of our stretch goals, combining some and making the amount to hit each of them closer together!

Here are our next few goals:

50k - All 12 new visitor cards in 1 stretch goal!

60k - A mini expansion to add on to the game for increased re-playablilty and strategies!

70k - CUSTOM GAMETRAYZ INSERTS for all of the games!!!

85k - Optional Asymmetric starting powers for each player with a character card to match

Spread the word to help us achieve these goals and continue to add more!

Shipping update!
about 1 year ago – Sat, Sep 02, 2023 at 10:13:47 AM

Well shipping has been a hot topic,  We hear your concerns and would like to address a couple things.   First we would like to apologize for not being the smoothest with things, being our first time we are learning rapidly as we go.  One thing that has been a point of confusion is the box size.  Our box is 12"x12"x3"  which may be larger than people are expecting. This is so we have room for things like Gametrayz and our expansions once we hit those stretch goals.  

We want to clarify the bottom graphic a bit, this is an estimate from one of our fulfilment companies we have been speaking to.  We are actively shopping for cheaper options for you all.  If/when we get better shipping rate we will be ONLY charging what it costs us to ship to you and nothing more.  As a first timer and small company we can't afford to subsidize large portions of shipping but we will do our best to get you the game as affordable as possible. We just want the game in your hands.

Thank you for your understanding and helping us work through these things. =]

Warped Reality Games Team