
Potions of Azerland

Created by Warped Reality Games

Forage for resources, brew potions to fulfill visitor requests, or drink for special powers!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

MPC and Shipping update
25 days ago – Thu, Aug 22, 2024 at 02:54:32 PM

Hello Potion Makers!!

This week we have received our MPC (Mass Production Copy) of Potions for final review and approval.  We have taken the time to go through it and ensure everything is correct and are excited to say it all looks amazing! Final production will be wrapping up in the next couple of weeks and then its time to get the games on boats.  


We are in process of securing space on a ship to Europe as well as a ship to the US.  The US ship is looking like it will get on the water mid-September which means by middle to end of October we will have games to start shipping to the US and for Local Pickup.  As for Europe it is a similar timeline for getting the games onto ships but we are told there are some issues currently in the Red Sea which will cause the ship going that way to arrive slower.  Our fulfilment partner Games Quest is currently estimating early December for Europe and everywhere outside the US shipping to begin. 

We are slightly behind where we wanted to be but the end is in sight!  We are super excited for everyone to receive their games. Thanks as always for the support and continued patience.  Happy Gaming!

Below are some pictures of the FINAL version of the game that you will all be receiving soon!

Warped Reality Games Team


Gold Coins and More!
3 months ago – Sun, Jun 30, 2024 at 10:07:57 PM

Good Evening Azerlandians,

Just a quick update here.  We wanted to send through the pictures of the gold coins that we have received. They are beautiful! Also a sneak preview here of the gold round tracker coin.  It was a goal that we didn't hit but we made the decision to send it to all of our backers anyway as a huge thank you!
Manufacturing is now in full swing and we should be getting more updates soon on completion dates so we can begin booking freighting space.  We know this has been a long wait but the end is in sight! Thanks for your continued support and patience.  
This week is Dice Tower East, if you are attending please come by and say hi!  We will be there showing off the deluxe version of Potions and getting some plays in. We will also be debuting our newest game Manatee Sanctuary.  Below is another amazing cover by Andrew Bosley.  That's all for now, take care!

Warped Reality Games Team

Production and Components update! Lots of Pictures!
3 months ago – Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 03:30:38 PM

Good morning Azerlandians!

We have exciting news for you all today. It took longer than we had expected but we finally have received our Pre-production copies from the manufacturer!! Below you will find a bunch of pictures of the components and different layers of how it all fits in the box. 
We have gone through everything and for the most part things look good to go. There are a few minor changes we are going to fix before going to mass production as well as making the box a bit bigger to accommodate the extra height the gametrayz added but we should be able to wrap that all up within a few days as all the changes are quite small.

After speaking with our manufacturer it looks like the next step once that is done is for them to create the final tooling for all the components. It is a bit fuzzy as to how long this will take but hopefully it’s not too long. Once they do that, they will send us 1 final copy of the game to approve before we go to mass production. 
When we get that final copy, we will do a unboxing video for everyone to see and from there our manufacturer will start printing. The printing process will take approximately 8-10 weeks. Then we will get the games on boats and start shipping them across the seas!

Also in the next couple of days the final rule book will be live on bgg, so be on the look out for that!

Check out the pictures below!!!

Production Update!
6 months ago – Fri, Mar 29, 2024 at 09:05:25 AM

Good Day Potion People,

It has been awhile since our last update!  We have been working through finalizing our Game Trayz, art, and formatting. GOOD NEWS, we are in the home stretch! Our manufacturer is starting to make our Pre production copies for final approval. Once we get those and make sure everything is perfect we will begin full scale manufacturing. The manufacturing process will take 10-12 weeks and from there we will get everyone's games on freights and start sending them all your way!!

Once we get the PPC copies we will post another update with pictures of what everything looks like. But for now here is a render of what everything looks like with the Game Trayz!


Warped Reality Games Team

Pledge Manager and Asymmetric Powers
8 months ago – Sun, Jan 21, 2024 at 08:14:02 PM

Hello Potion Makers!

We know many of you have been anxious for an update and here it is!  First off, we can assure you as of now the project is still on track and on time.  This week we wrapped up all of the art for the asymmetric player powers with Andrew Bosley.  The rule book for this expansion is also done and being proofed now.  The last piece of the puzzle we are waiting on is the Gametrayz.  We hope to have those done in the next week or two and we will be ready to hit print!  The Lunar Chinese New Year will slow this initial ordering process down a bit here in February. Once that is passed we will be moving along nicely. 

PLEDGE MANAGER!  If you have completed your pledge manager Thank You!  If you have not, please do so soon.  We plan to close the pledge manager in the coming weeks in preparation for the print run.  There are several people that have Apple IDs listed as their email.  We don't have a way to contact these people.  If you have not received an email about the pledge manager you may be in this situation. Please contact us to confirm your email is correct or to help us change it to the correct email.  

We are excited to begin revealing some of the asymmetric player powers.  Today we have two to show off, The Merchant and The Traveler.  Each has their card with the explanation on how they work on the back of the card. 

Thanks for your continued support and patience!


Warped Reality Games Team